Benefits of Financial Reporting Software

by | Apr 18, 2019

Has anyone ever asked you, or have you ever wondered to your self, “Is financial reporting important? Do I need to create and understand financial reports?” The quick and straightforward answer is YES!! The more detailed explanation is a little longer. There are many reasons why reporting software is essential to running a business. Once you see the benefits, you will begin to wonder how your business ever survived without the information provided by reporting software. It is vital information that can save you from small mistakes becoming big ones, it can provide the information required to make smart decisions, and most importantly, it puts you in the driver’s seat when it comes to financial data.

Here are five of the many reasons why reporting software is a vital part of running any business. Whether you are or a small business owner, a small bookkeeping firm, or a large CPA firm, you should be using reporting software.

Trend identification

trends, business, financial reportingSeeing and understanding financial trends in your business is the best way to forecast your financial future. Following month to month, trends are one way to track the success of your business. Keep in mind, month to month may not take into account seasonal fluctuations and give a false sense of progress and growth. It is still essential information, but you can get a better picture by watching year to year trends. Year to year trends is a much longer-term way to see your financials, the real growth of your company.
No matter what financial activity you want to keep track, reporting software will help you identify trends, both good and bad, past and present.  Being able to discover patterns within your financials will significantly increase your ability to plan.

Real-time information

Making accurate, informed decisions is key to business success. Being able to find that precise information is the hard part. Making decisions with outdated information is not only challenging but may also have disastrous consequences. You would never decide something for your child based on how they acted one, five, or ten years ago. Why would you do that with your business financials?

The right reporting software can provide you with real-time analytics so you can make those decisions.  Up to date, solid financials are right at your fingertips, helping you avoid pitfalls and making those difficult decisions a little easier to make. Before committing to any reporting software, make sure it pulls your data regularly, correctly, and transforms it into actionable data. The wrong information is as dangerous as outdated information.

Improved debt management

cash, financial reporting, debt

The dreaded four-letter word – DEBT. Lucky is the company with no debt, but most businesses have to learn how to manage it.  No matter the industry, debt can be stifling to the growth of a company.  While debt can cause stress and sleepiness nights, the knowledge of how it is being managed can give you a better night’s sleep. Financial reporting shows precisely how much debt you have and if the numbers of going up or down.  Having a visual picture of your assets vs. liabilities makes it easier to understand, and as we all know, “knowledge is power.”

Using exceptional reporting software will help track your current assets against your current liabilities. It should do this not only in your balance sheet but in charts, graphs, and KPI’s. In turn, you have an up to date picture of your debt management. Crucial information that will guide you in managing your debt efficiently.

Information at your Fingertips

With any business, there are different types of assets, liabilities, and lots of kinds of data to monitor.  Managing all of them is a vital and challenging part of your company’s financial health. As smart as you probably are, there is just no way you will remember all the data, all the time. It’s just not feasible. With a reporting software that is easy to use, there is no need to try and remember it all. A quick login and all your pertinent financial numbers are displayed visually on your company dashboard.

By using financial reporting software, it can be easier to keep track of all the information and know right where to find it.  Current information comes in especially handy if you’re planning to apply for an SBA loan, nurture future investors, or speak with stockholders. You can conveniently explore your financial data all within reporting software. From there, you can determine what your next move for your company.

Saves time and money

Running reports has been and will always be an essential part of managing a business. In the past, it has been a long and time-consuming project, takes all day to get a small amount of information. Time is the biggest reason business owners don’t run reports. Running their business, doing what they love seems like a better way to spend their time. As we have discussed already in this article, that can have disastrous consequences.

Using the right financial reporting software can cut the time required for reports in more than half.  A few clicks of the mouse and you have the information you need in an easy to understand report. Do this will give you more time to run your business with the financial knowledge required to make the best possible decisions. Time saved equals money earned.

Reporting software can be the vital difference between the success or failure of your business. Reach Reporting wants to be the software that helps you succeed. Reach Reporting syncs with QBO, QBD, Xero, and CSV Trial Balance, which equals up to date current information consistently in your reports and on your dashboards. We take the financial data and transform it into visually enhanced financial statements, reports that help you track trends. These dashboards show you your data in easy to read and understand KPI’s, all right at your fingertips.

You may not love financial reporting or even like it much; in the past, it has been a tedious project with unhelpful results, but your business will need the financial information included. Reach Reporting makes that information faster to create and easier to understand. If you plan to make or spend money, Reach Reporting is the financial reporting software you need.

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