A Case Study

Nikole Mackenzie

Fractional Accounting

& Visual Reporting

Nikole Mackenzie, Founder, Momentum Accounting

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“Reach Reporting will be the standard of financial reporting and data visualization.”

Nikole Mackenzie

Founder, Momentum Accounting


The Company

Founded in 2016 by Nikole Mackenzie, Momentum Accounting set out with a mission to revolutionize accounting services for small businesses. By acting as a fractional accounting department, they offer a comprehensive suite of financial services tailored to the unique needs of their clients. This innovative approach allows small businesses to access top-tier accounting services, encompassing everything from basic bookkeeping to high-level financial strategy and analysis.

The Challenge

The journey to enhance their reporting capabilities led Momentum Accounting to explore various tools. Despite attempts to create an in-house visual reporting solution, the perfect fit remained elusive until a pivotal encounter with Justin Hatch, CEO of Reach Reporting. This meeting not only introduced Momentum Accounting to an ideal solution but also marked the beginning of a transformative partnership.

The Solution

Reach Reporting has become indispensable to Momentum Accounting’s operations, playing a critical role in both attracting new clients and delivering exceptional service. The tool’s robust capabilities enable the firm to conduct thorough initial assessments during the sales process, laying the groundwork for a strong client relationship. Further, the delivery of comprehensive, visually engaging reports has elevated the standard of service provided, facilitating clear and effective communication of financial insights.

The Summary

Momentum Accounting’s partnership with Reach Reporting has fundamentally transformed their service delivery and client relationships. Through innovative reporting and a commitment to excellence, they have established themselves as a leader in fractional accounting for small businesses. Reach Reporting has not only enabled them to elevate their services but has also positioned them at the forefront of the industry, ready to embrace the future of accounting and reporting.

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Ease of Use

This ease of adoption has been a key factor in its successful integration into Momentum Accounting’s workflow, enabling the team to quickly leverage the tool’s full potential without a steep learning curve.

Custom Reporting

Momentum Accounting has harnessed the power of custom reporting and industry-specific templates within Reach Reporting to deliver tailored financial insights.


AR/AP Calculations

The automation features within Reach Reporting, particularly for inventory and AR/AP calculations, have been highlighted as especially beneficial to the team at Momentum.

“Reach Reporting is the bridge that helps us have a higher level conversation with our clients.”

Nikole Mackenzie

Founder, Momentum Accounting

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