A Case Study

Automated Financial Reporting

Cameron Williams, CEO, KynLi Consulting

In order to help you the best, tell us what kind of business would describe you?

“Reach saves a lot of time, especially when we’re onboarding a new client. I no longer have to map accounts.”

Cameron Williams

CEO, KynLi Consulting


The Company

KynLi Consulting specializes in strategic financial growth for marketing agencies and experts. They started off providing basic bookkeeping services and evolved to offer higher-level services such as fractional CFO services  and strategic consulting. They aim to provide personalized and proactive assistance to their clients.

The Challenge

KynLi Consulting faced several pain points in their early stages. One challenge was that clients didn’t read or understand their financial reports, which led to a lack of engagement. Another challenge was the time-consuming process of preparing and revising reports manually using Excel and other software. They needed a solution that would simplify report preparation, improve client understanding, and enhance overall efficiency.

The Solution

After exploring different software options, KynLi Consulting found Reach Reporting to be the ideal solution. The platform offered customizable templates and dashboards, automation features, and real-time updates. With Reach Reporting, KynLi Consulting was able to create visually appealing reports that broke down complex financial information into easily understandable metrics and projections.

The Summary

Reach Reporting transformed KynLi Consulting’s reporting process, enabling them to provide comprehensive and visually appealing reports to their clients. The platform’s automation and customization features saved them significant time and improved client engagement. KynLiConsulting was able to focus more on advising their clients and growing their business, thanks to the streamlined reporting provided by Reach Reporting.


Customized Reports

Reach Reporting allowed KynLi Consulting to create customized reports that went beyond basic financials. They could provide metrics, projections, and visualizations that helped clients understand their financial situation and make informed decisions.

Time Savings

By using Reach Reporting’s templates and automation features, KynLiConsulting saved considerable time in report preparation. They no longer had to manually update and revise reports, reducing the process from hours to minutes.


Improved Client Engagement

The visually appealing and comprehensive reports generated by Reach Reporting enhanced client engagement. Clients could easily understand and interpret the financial information presented, leading to more meaningful discussions and better collaboration.



Est. Improved Reporting Efficiency

Saved Minutes Per Client / Month


Client Report Satisfaction

“Efficient, quick, and they make us look good to our people.”

Cameron Williams

CEO, KynLi Consulting

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